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Meet Ruth Johnson

Ruth Johnson, LMA, MS, is an aesthetician with the Penn Skin Care Program, a division of Penn Plastic Surgery. Ruth is dedicated to taking care of her skin, and yours too.

“When I first meet with someone, I ask a lot of questions about their concerns, skin care regimen and the products they use at home,” she said. “Getting the ‘big picture’ on a first visit can help me tailor the treatment and make recommendations for products that person can use on a regular basis.”

Ruth said that one of the top concerns about skin and skin care is that it changes. What may have worked in the past, no longer works.

“A lot of women tell me their skin changed after having children and that their standard skin care routine no longer works,” said Ruth. “It’s true that as we age, our skin changes and so do our skin care needs. Many women who experience hormonal changes, such as those with pregnancy or menopause, have concerns about the texture of their skin or new breakouts. Fortunately, a consultation with our team can help identify problem areas, and we can start to work together to get skin back in balance.”

She also explained that going to a skin care center, like the Penn Plastic Surgery, is important because the clinicians and staff there are backed by a medically supervised program.

“You want to make sure the person you are getting your skin care from knows everything from standard treatment to identifying possible complications. We work closely with the medical staff and stay current with the latest techniques and treatments, so our patients are getting the best possible care.”

We caught up with Ruth to learn more about her, get some of her favorite health and beauty tips, and ask her about her experiences at Penn Medicine.

What are some of your own favorite tips for having beautiful skin at any age?

Use SPF, eye cream and moisturizer, and Retin-A. Everyone needs to apply SPF of at least 30 regardless of the weather outside. Dangerous rays from the sun can still get through on a cloudy day.

What is your secret to beautiful skin?

I sort of live by the “you are what you eat motto.” I think nutrition plays a huge role in beautiful skin:
  • Staying away from processed food
  • Eating lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Consuming omega-3s (fish)
I also drink a lot of water, use moisturizer every morning and night, apply SPF under my makeup and try to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

What advice do you most often give patients?

  1. Stay out of the sun! If you are going to be outside in the sun, make sure you wear SPF of at least 30 and a nice, big hat for personal shade. 
  2. Use a good moisturizer under your makeup and before bed.
  3. Use a cream with retinol at night. 
  4. Get a good night’s rest.
  5. Always take your makeup off at the end of the night!

More About Ruth…

Favorite movie: The Great Gatsby
Favorite food: Mexican and sushi
Favorite exercise: Zumba or spinning
Favorite type of music to work out to: Hip-hop
Favorite TV show: Game of Thrones -- It’s also the last book she read!
When she gets downtime, she likes to: Read and work out

Meet Ruth and the Penn Medicine Plastic Surgery Skin Care Team

Let Penn Plastic Surgery help you look and feel your best. Schedule a consultation with Ruth, or find out more about Penn skin care products and services.